About Society
Inspired by the life and ideals of Maharaja Surajmal, a great Indian patriot and enlightened ruler of Bharatpur during the eighteenth century, Surajmal Memorial Education Society was established in 1972 and registered under the Societies Registration Act 1860. The main aim of the Society was to disseminate quality education in the technical and professional areas, specially those beneficial to the students from rural and hitherto educationally deprived people of our country. There are more than 9000 members of the society spread over all parts of India and abroad. However, the main component is from the states of Uttar Pradesh, Delhi, Haryana and Rajasthan. A plot of land measuring 7.94 acres was acquired from DDA in 1976 on which construction of the first phase of the building was taken up towards the end of 1978. On completion of this work, the academic programmes were started with the introduction of Certificate and Diploma courses in various Technical Streams in 1982.Enthused by the success of the academic programmes and overwhelming support of its members, the Society went on extending the infrastructure in terms of buildings and equipment. For more information, kindly visit website of the Society www.surajmalmemorialeducationsociety.org.