Authorship of Paper
Originality and Plagiarism
Open Access and Copyright
Publication Charges
Author Guidelines
Guidelines for Submitting research paper/article
Authorship of Paper
Authorship should be limited to those who have made a significant contribution to the conception, design, execution, or interpretation of the reported study. All those who have made significant contributions should be listed as co-authors. Where there are others who have participated in certain substantive aspects of the research project, they should be acknowledged or listed as contributors. The corresponding author should ensure that all appropriate co-authors, and that all co-authors have seen and approved the final version of the paper and have agreed to its submission for publication.
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- Parichay: Maharaja Surajmal Institute Journal of Applied Research is committed to original work and strictly NO tolerance for plagiarism.
- It is the author(s) responsibility to ascertain that s/he has submitted an entirely original work, giving due credit, by virtue of proper citations, to the works and/or words of others where they are used.
- Plagiarism in all its forms constitutes unethical publishing behaviour and is not acceptable.
- Material quoted verbatim from the author(s) previously published work or other sources must be placed in quotation marks.
- The submitted manuscript found to have a similarity index of more than 10% will either be rejected or left at the discretion of the editor for purposes of a conditional acceptance.
- Authors can submit manuscript previously published in abstracted form, e.g. in the proceedings of an annual meeting, or in a periodical with limited circulation and availability e.g. reports by government agencies or university departments.
- In case the research paper is part of the research thesis, the author shall make explicit statement to the editor at the time of submission that the work is from a research thesis along with other details. However, the thesis shall not be formally published in book form by any academic publisher.
- In case that the paper has been published in the full paper proceedings of a conference or other meeting, the similarity of paper submitted for journal publication with its previous version must not be more than 40%. The author will be required to mention such case to the managing editor during the submission process.
Open Access and Copyright
Open Access:
Parichay: Maharaja Surajmal Institute Journal of Applied Research is an open access journal which means that all content is freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution.
Parichay: Maharaja Surajmal Institute Journal of Applied Research is wholly committed to the highest standards of publishing, founded on rigorous double-blind peer review. In all that we do, we work to ensure the widest possible access to the articles that we publish, to enhance the reputation of the author, the journal, its Editor and Editorial Board, and the value that we add as publisher in online form.
In order that we can do this properly and professionally, we ask authors of articles accepted for publication to sign our Author Copyright Agreement assigning (or transferring) copyright to Parichay: Maharaja Surajmal Institute Journal of Applied Research.
The transfer of copyright is standard practice in journal publishing.
Publication Charges
Article Processing Charges (APCs): NoSubmission Charges: No
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Author Guidelines
Prospective authors are requested to submit new, unpublished articles for inclusion in
the upcoming issue of Bi-annual online multi-disciplinary, Parichay: Maharaja
Surajmal Institute Journal of Applied Research. It is a refereed and highly
professional journal covering information technology, management, education, other
interdisciplinary field, its evolution and future prospects.
We follow a double blind peer review system and carry out two rounds of review process.
In the first round, all the submitted papers are first reviewed at editorial board level and
assessed on the basis of their technical suitability of the paper for the journal, scope of
work, plagiarism and other ethical compliances. If selected by the editorial board, the
paper shall be subjected to a fair and unbiased double blind peer review by referees on
the basis of their originality, novelty, clarity, completeness, relevance, significance and
research contribution.
Guidelines for Preparing Article:
Article Preparation
An original article would normally consist of 5000-7000 words (excluding figures, tables and references), although high-quality articles which exceed 7000 words may be considered. All articles must be written in UK English. If English is not your first language, please ask an English-speaking colleague to proof read your article. Submissions may be formatted in single or double spacing, preferably in Times New Roman size 12 font. All accepted articles will be correctly formatted for publication. The text of the article should include the following:- title
- abstract
- keywords
- introduction
- methodology
- results and discussion
- conclusion and future scope
- references and biographical notes
Conference Papers
If your article is based on a conference paper which may have been published elsewhere, it is important that you observe the following: The submitted article must have been substantially revised, expanded and rewritten so that it is significantly different from the conference paper or presentation on which it is based. The article must be sufficiently different to make it a new, original work. As a guide, you should aim to have more than 50% new material. This is a matter of judgment and will be based on a comparison of the submitted article with the original conference paper. The original conference paper should be supplied by the author with the expanded article for the purpose of comparison. All such articles will be subject to the same review process as any other submitted article. Please include the statement 'This article is a revised and expanded version of a paper entitled [title] presented at [name, location and date of conference]' in the online system when you submit your paper, using the "Notes for the Editor" field. If the original conference paper on which the extended paper is based has been published elsewhere, or the copyright has been assigned to the conference organisers or another party, authors should ensure that they have cleared any necessary permissions with the copyright owners. Articles will not be accepted, post-review, for publication unless such written permissions have been provided along with author copyright forms.Title, Abstract, Keywords, Addresses, Biographical Notes
Please assist us by following these guidelines:- Title: as short as possible, with no abbreviations or acronyms.
- Abstract: approximately 100 words, maximum 150.
- Keywords: approximately 10-15 words or phrases. Keywords are important for online searching ; please click here for further keyword requirements (PDF).
- Address*: position, department, name of institution, full postal address and email address for each author.
- Biographical notes*: approximately 100 words per author, maximum 150.
* Author details should not be included in the article, and are only required when completing relevant sections of the online submission form.
References and Notes
The references in the reference list should follow the standard IEEE reference style of the journal and citation of a reference. The Numeric Referencing System with numbers in the text and a numerical list of references at the end of the paper, e.g. …Smith’s [1] research supported….
Formats for references
Journal articles
Williams, P and Naumann, E. (2011) ‘Customer satisfaction and business performance: a firm-level analysis’, Journal of Services Marketing, Vol. 25 No.1, pp.20 - 32 [Journal titles should be given in full]Online only
Demers, A. (2009) ‘The war at home: consequences of loving a veteran of the Iraq and Afghan wars.’ The Internet Journal of Mental Health, 6(1) [online] http://www.ispub.com/journal/the_internet_journal_of_mental_health/volume_6_nu mb er_1_45/article/the-war-at-home-consequences-of-loving-a-veteran-of-the-iraqand- afghanistan-wars.html (Accessed 15 July 2010).Books
Smith, A. and Brown, D. (2005) Quantitative Data Analysis with SPSS for Windows, 2nd ed., Routledge, London.Edited books
Casson, M. et al (Eds.), (2006) The Oxford Handbook of Entrepreneurship, Oxford University Press, Oxford.Book chapters
Estrin, S., Meyer, K.E. and Bytchkova, M. (2006) ‘Entrepreneurship in transition economies’, in Casson, M. et al (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Entrepreneurship, Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp.693–725.Ebooks
Lowry, R. (2009) Concepts and Applications of Inferential Statistics [online]. Vassar College, Poughkeepsie NY. http://faculty.vassar.edu/lowry/intro.html. (Accessed 21 February 2009).Theses
Godfrey, K.B. (1993) Tourism and Sustainable Development: Towards a Sustainable Framework. Unpublished PhD thesis, Oxford Brookes University, Oxford, United Kingdom.Government publications
Department of Culture, Media and Sport, and Department of Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform. (2009) Digital Britain: the interim report. DCMS and DBERR, London. (Cm 7548). Department of Culture, Media and Sport, and Department of Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform (2009). Digital Britain: the interim report [online]. DCMS and DBERR, London. (Cm 7548). http://www.culture.gov.uk/images/publications/digital_britain_interimreportjan09.pdf. (Accessed 1 February 2009)Conference papers
Vaughan, R., Andriotis, K. and Wilkes, K. (2000) ‘Characteristics of tourism employment: the case of Crete’. Paper Presented at the 7th ATLAS International Conference NorthSouth: Contrasts and Connections in Global Tourism. 18-21 June 2000. Savonlinna, Finland.
Jackson, C. and Wilkinson, S.J. (2009), ‘An evaluation of the viability of photovoltaics in residential schemes managed by UK registered social landlords’ in COBRA 2009: Proceedings of the RICS Foundation Construction and Building Research Conference, RICS Foundation, London, England, pp. 396-410.Reports
Halliday, J. (1995) Assessment of the accuracy of the DTI’s database of the UK wind speeds, Energy Technology Support Unit, ETSU-W-11/00401/REP.
Liu, R and Wassell, I.J. (2008) A novel auto-calibration system for wireless sensor motes. [online] Technical report UCAM-CL-TR-727, Computer Laboratory, Cambridge University, Cambridge. http:// www.cl.cam.ac.uk/techreports/UCAM-CL-TR-727.pdf (Accessed 18 September 2011)
International Organization for Standardization (2008) ISO 9001:2008: Quality management systems -- Requirements. Geneva, ISO.
Online papers, preprints
Chandler , D. (2009) Semiotics for beginners. http://www.aber.ac.uk/media/Documents/S4B/sem02.html (Accessed 26 July 2010).
Shah, V. (2011) ‘Capitalism - what comes next?’ Thought Economics [online] 1 September. http://thoughteconomics.blogspot.com/2011/09/capitalism-what-comesnext. html (Accessed 14 September 2011). Web sites Apache Jakarta Project. [online] http://jakarta.apache.org/ (Accessed 21 September 2007).Figures
All illustrations, whether diagrams or photographs, are referred to as Figures. If any figures appear in colour, please note that they will only appear in colour in the online version; in the printed version they will be in black and white. If the quality of the colour figure supplied is not suitable to be produced in colour, it will also be shown in black and white in the online version. Figures should ideally be black and white, not colour, and numbered sequentially. However, if colour is essential to the figure please send a good quality colour image. Please place them interspersed in text.Units of Measurement
MSI Journal of Research follow the Système International (SI) for units of measurement. Imperial units will be converted, except where conversion would affect the meaning of a statement, or imply a greater or lesser degree of accuracy.
Guidelines for Submitting Research Paper/Article:
There is no submission deadline. Papers can be submitted any time of the year. Before submitting the article:
- Have a look at our Author guidelines.
- Read our Copyright requirements for accepted and published articles.
- The paper need to be submitted along with plagiarism report with inclusive limit of 15%.
MSI Journal Web site: https://www.msijr.msi-ggsip.org
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